Once you have chosen the seller to import steel, the next comes in arranging Finance. The seller may either ask for 30% of the total deal value as advance payment; or the full payment before the shipment of goods. In case, if you’re not ready to provide
the cash in advance, then you can discuss it with your seller and look for other options. When it comes to other payment methods available for global trade, Letter of Credit, Standby
LC, and Bank Guarantees are the best option to look for. Further, in all these Bank Instruments, Banks acts as a guarantor to assure the seller that the payment will be made; upon the completion of the delivery of
the goods required.
Get a Free Quote for your Trade Finance Requirements – Contact Us Now!
How to Get Import Finance Facility?
While the crisis has affected global trade, now things are getting back on track by showing some positive signs in trade worldwide. But still getting Trade Finance support from banks seems to be hard. Because, Banks
are ready to provide financial support; only if, if the clients are ready to pay the 100% cash margin! Are you facing a lack of cash funds to meet the demands of the bank? Are you worried that without bank support you can’t
able to conclude your steel import contract? We’re here to help you! Being the Trade Finance Provider, we can support all your trade deals and contracts by issuing Bank Instruments from Rated Banks at ZERO Cash Margin!
For all your trade finance needs, contact us today!
The Growth of International Trade after COVID-19 Outbreak
The COVID-19 outbreak has created a huge impact on SMEs all over the world. The pandemic’s impact is mainly reflected in the US and all other European countries; where consumer demand plays a vital role in growth in the economy. Further, due to restrictions,
curfews, quarantine, and all other factors; the impact made by COVID 19 on global trade is drastic. But how the growth of international trade would be after the COVID-19 outbreak? How The Growth of International Trade after
COVID-19 There is no doubt that the trade market is going to see blooming growth after the outbreak of COVID-19. Statistics have found that right after the COVID-19 recovery; World’s Economic Growth has been increased by
13.2%. Further, this showers some limelight on traders, who were looking for options to speed up their trade. So, as a trader, you must pre-plan yourself with all the things you required to boost your trading business.
Moreover, when it comes to trading, the first and foremost thing that comes to your mind is — acquiring financial help. Because of the decline in the economy, all banks are not ready to provide the financial help you required.
So to help those traders, Trade Finance Providers like Steppe Group LLC have come up with a range of Bank Instruments that include: Letter of Credit, Standby LC, Bank Comfort Letter, and Bank Guarantee for traders and contractors.
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