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Looking For SBLC MT760?
Send us your requirements to avail Standby LC from rated banks

What is a Standby Letter of Credit?

A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is a written undertaking issued by a bank on behalf of its client. SBLC guarantees the bank’s commitment of payment to the seller, in the event of the buyer defaults. Considered as a “payment of last resort”, SBLC assures that the bank fulfills the payment obligations; in case if the client fails to oblige with the contract terms. Standby Letters of Credit certifies the credit worth and payment strength of the buyer. Also, it helps to facilitate global trade between companies that don’t know each other and have different rules & regulations. Therefore, traders mostly preferred to use this financial instrument as it gives the required payment guarantee. Moreover, MT760 can also be used for the purpose of Collateral for Credit Enhancement. Thus, it will help traders who plan to expand their business, without giving up their cash funds. Having SBLC improves the company’s cash flow & seen as a sign of good faith. Further, SBLC allows traders to use their cash capital for other dealings before payments become due. Are you looking to get Standby LC for your domestic purchase? Contact Steppe Group L.L.C. SBLC Providers! We can extend our bank facilities from European Banks and will issue the required MT760 at ZERO Collateral.

Why Standby Letter of Credit Considered as a Backup Plan for Payment?

A Standby LC can add a safety net to both local and global transactions by assuring payment for the completed service or the supply of goods. With such an agreement, the bank guarantees the payment towards the seller, if any unforeseen happens. The SBLC describes the different situations which could cause the bank to pay. For instance – A seller supplies the goods to the buyer who promises to make the payment within 30 days of shipment. If the payment never arrives, then the seller can claim the SBLC to the buyer’s bank to get the payment released. Since the buyer’s bank takes the responsibility to pay the seller in case of default; before issuing the Standby, the buyer’s bank typically evaluates the buyer’s creditworthiness & repayment skills. If the credit score of the client is low, then the banks may require collateral or funds to deposit to get the SBLC issued. In case, if you can’t able to fulfill the demand of the bank, then the bank will not proceed further with your SBLC request. But we, the SBLC Providers understand the financial crisis faced by the traders; and also, we assist them to avail SBLC MT760 from our bank account without cash margin.

How a Standby Letters of Credit Works?

When two parties (buyer & seller) agree to use Standby LC as their payment term to conclude their trade deal. Then, the buyer has to open Standby LC in favor of the supplier from their bank. By issuing Standby LC in favor of the supplier & on behalf of the buyer, the bank guarantees the payment – even if the company closes down, declares bankruptcy, or unable to pay for goods and services provided. For instance, if the buyer defaults, the seller has to present all documents mentioned in the issued SBLC to their bank. The bank verifies all the documents, and if it complies with the terms, they will pay the seller’s bank the amount due. The main advantage of having SBLC is the potential ease of getting out of that worst scenario. E.g. If a contract calls for payment within 60 days of delivery and if the payment is not made means, then the seller can present the SBLC to the buyer’s bank for payment. This assures guaranteed payment for the seller. Hence, SBLC reduces the risk of the production order being changed or canceled by the buyer.

Standby LC Benefits

Standby LC provides a lot of benefits for both importers and exporters which we have listed below:-

  • As an importer, you can cover the risk of the exporter at one time with one SBLC, a tenure of 1 year. Also, you can renew the SBLCs, 15 days prior to the expiration date. So, it saves you more money and time in doing repeat business.
  • Availing SBLCs ensures the delivery of goods / services as per the terms of the trade contract.
  • The seller gets a guarantee of their payment once they agree with the T&Cs of SBLC. If for any reason, the payment is not made or denied, SBLC acts as an alternative source to claim their payment.
  • The seller can draw down loans by claiming SBLCs from their bank.
  • Moreover, SBLC gives confidence to both parties involved in trade transactions.

Parties involved in SBLCs

  1. Applicant: The Applicant (buyer) is the one who requests their bank to issue SBLC on behalf of their supplier.
  2. Issuing Bank: The bank that issues the MT760 on behalf of its client.
  3. Beneficiary: SBLC recipient or the supplier who receives the SBLCs in their favor.
  4. Advising Bank: The advising bank has a relationship with the issuing bank & will receive the SBLC to advise the same towards the seller’s bank.
  5. Seller’s Bank: The seller’s bank, from where the supplier receives the final SBLC.

Can SBLC be Transferable?

Standby LC can be transferable if it’s subjected to the terms. This is a question that most of our clients ask before availing the MT760. Like other bank instruments like cheque, promissory note, etc. can transferrable in good faith. Likewise, MT760 can be transferred in favor of a second SBLC recipient. However, it requires a written request by the first SBLC recipient. And, at the same time, the approval of the issuing bank.

How Much Does an SBLC Cost?

Generally, the applicant (buyer) borne the cost for the issuance of SBLC. Mainly, the cost includes – bank commission, processing fee, and transmission fee. All these charges paid by the importer at their bank as per the agreed contract between the buyer & the seller. To get more details on our tariff, Contact Us

SBLC Provider

Steppe Group L.L.C., SBLC Providers extend their facilities to provide SBLC MT760 from European Banks; on behalf of buyers to give the required payment assurance towards their suppliers. Our trade finance experts will frame the SBLC MT760 as per your requirement & will help you to conclude the trade deal within 48 working hours.

To avail Standby Letter of Credit from rated banks, submit your requirements to us! We will get back to you ASAP!

The Role of SBLC Transaction in International and Domestic Trade

Standby Letter of Credit is considered to be the most popular method of payment guarantee used by traders to facilitate their global or domestic trade transactions. Since it helps traders to conclude their deals without facing cash flow issues; also assists to reduce the fiscal risk involved in global trade. The traders mostly prefer to use SBLC Transaction as their payment terms.

What is SBLC Transaction?

SBLC is the short form of a Standby Letter of Credit. It is a written commitment issued by a bank stating that the bank will be liable to pay the seller, in the event of the buyer’s default. Usually, buyers and sellers prefer to use Standby LC as their payment method. Because it certifies the buyer’s credit status; also confirms their ability to fulfill the payment terms as per the signed contract. Further, it’s also perceived as “Payment of Last Resort”. Because in the event, if the business entity declares bankruptcy, or cannot meet the financial commitment, then the bank will take action to fulfill the contractual terms, on behalf of their client.

How does an SBLC Transaction Work?

A buyer makes a deal with a seller to import certain goods or products. The seller wants an assurance from the buyer; to secure the deal against the buyer’s default on failing to fulfill the payment term; as per the agreed contract. So, they demand the buyer to provide a Standby LC as part of their contract. The buyer arranges the SBLC MT760 in favor of the seller. After receiving the Standby LC, the seller starts shipping the goods. And in case, if the buyer fails to fulfill their payment terms; the seller needs to submit the documents to the respective bank; as stated in the issued SBLC to claim their payment. The Standby LC claim documents have to comply with the contract or the terms stated in the issued MT760.

Advantages of SBLC Transaction

For businesses concluded with Standby LC as the payment term, the greatest benefit is the ease of getting out of the worst-case scenario. In case, if the business declares bankruptcy, or closes down due to loss. Then the bank will be liable to fulfill its financial terms. Thus, the seller assured on payment. Also, it reduces the risk of the production order being changed; or canceled by the buyer. For buyers, having SBLC adds more strength to their profile; also gives more confidence. The buyer needs to pay, only if they received the shipped goods as per the agreed specification in the signed contract. While signing the contract for a larger quantity of goods, having SBLC in hand can add credibility to the buyer and can also help them to avoid any upfront payment to the seller.

The process to Avail SBLC MT760

When you contact your bank to avail MT760 on your behalf, there are many aspects that the bank will take into consideration; prior to issuing the MT760. Further, banks also demand cash margin or tangible collateral needed to protect the bank from any fiscal risk. The amount of collateral required by the bank will depend on the value of the SBLC you require. Traders who are not capable to provide such collateral cannot be able to avail SBLC facility from their bank. Finally, they can’t able to conclude their trade deals. So, to help traders who face a lack of bank facilities or lack of cash flow to avail trade finance, Steppe Group L.L.C., the SBLC Providers is here to assist the traders. With a team of experienced trade finance consultants, we work for our clients globally by structuring their trade deals in the best possible way which will help them to conclude their trade deals on time. Submit your SBLC Request to us now and get your trade transactions concluded in a timely manner!